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Understanding token minting

 Title: Understanding Token Minting: A Comprehensive Guide In the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain, token minting plays a crucial role in creating and managing digital assets. Whether you're new to the space or a seasoned investor, understanding token minting is essential. In this guide, we'll delve into what token minting is, how it works, its significance, and the process involved. ### What is Token Minting? Token minting refers to the creation of new tokens on a blockchain. These tokens can represent various assets, such as cryptocurrencies, digital collectibles, real-world assets, and more. When a new token is minted, it is added to the blockchain's ledger, making it part of the network's ecosystem. ### How Does Token Minting Work? The process of token minting typically involves a smart contract, a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between the parties written into code. Smart contracts are deployed on blockchain networks like Ethereum, Bi