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Polkadot blockchain history

 Title: Exploring the Evolution of the Polkadot Blockchain: A Comprehensive History The blockchain landscape is continually evolving, with various projects aiming to address scalability, interoperability, and governance challenges. Among these, Polkadot has emerged as a promising platform designed to enable a decentralized web where multiple blockchains can seamlessly interact. In this article, we delve into the rich history of the Polkadot blockchain, tracing its origins, development milestones, and the key players behind its success. ### Genesis: The Vision of Web3 The story of Polkadot begins with Dr. Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum and one of the most influential figures in the blockchain space. Wood envisioned a future where the internet operates in a decentralized manner, allowing users to control their data and interact trustlessly. This vision gave rise to the concept of Web3, a decentralized web powered by blockchain technology. ### Foundation and Founding Team In 2016, Dr.